The college has a Students Representative Council (SRC). The SRC is the umbrella body representing all students in the college. The SRC executive comprises of elected members from the different classes in the college. The officers are elected annually.

The executive body represents students’ interest in the college and act as the primary vehicle for the smooth relationship between the students and the college management. The president serves on the academic council and members of the executive serve on committees of the academic board. Through these representations, they contribute to the smooth running of the college and the enhancement of the student experience at the college.

Mission Statement

The mission of the Students Representative Council is to create a vibrant campus community by advocating for the needs and interests of students, developing good community learning environment and developing innovative engagement with college leadership for the enhancement of learning.


It is the vision of the Students Representative Council to responsibly serve and empower every student to be a force for change and improvement while fostering and preserving tradition at Christ the Redeemer College.