Module Narrative

Module Title: Apologetics
Module Code: THE501
Level: 5
Credit Points: 20 Credits
Compulsory or Optional: Required
Pre-requisites/co-requisites: None
Excluded combinations or modules: None
Mode of attendance: Mixed


This module enables students to explore the fundamental issues in the study of Apologetics, and apply apologetic methodology to contemporary challenges to the Christian faith. It will enable students to develop a reasoned case for Christianity and to contextualise their faith within a secular world view.

Learning outcomes

On completion of this module, the successful student will be able to:

1. discuss the history of Apologetics and critically evaluate its place in a post modern world.
2. evaluate the current major issues in Apologetics identifying an appropriate Christian response to current secular viewpoints and contemporary challenges to the Christian faith.
3. evaluate the significance of Apologetics as an arm of the ministry of the church and the inter-relationship of Apologetics, evangelism, preaching and counselling.
This module will call for the successful student to demonstrate:
4. an appropriate Christian response to identified contemporary challenges to the Christian faith.


The history of Apologetics; the need for Apologetics in a post modern world; major models of apologetics; justification of beliefs; major arguments for the existence of God and the person of Jesus Christ; the case for the reliability of the Bible; tactics in apologetics; how to give reasons for the Christian hope; controversial topics and issues under debate e.g. the truth of scripture, the problem of evil, the case for miracles, the problem of suffering; Apologetics, Church ministry and Evangelism; the biblical and the evolutionist views of creation.

Learning, Teaching and Assessment Strategy

Staff-led lectures introduce students to the history of Apologetics and its place in a post-modern world and to major theological and practical issues arising.

Apologetics and church ministry, including a Christian response to contemporary challenges and secular viewpoints, are discussed in Tutor-led seminars and workshops. These workshops allow students to further explore contemporary issues.

Student-led discussion groups act as a focus for development of topics arising from the lectures. Formative feedback enables students to develop and analyse their ideas as they prepare an essay plan before submitting a summative essay

Tutorial time enables Tutors to give formative feedback on formative and draft essays, guidance to students on developing their presentations and constructive feedback on summative work.

Independent study to supplement these activities is an essential element of the programme, including reading and producing the module assignments.

Assessment Scheme

• Student-led discussions (formative assessment)
• Essay plan 500 words (formative assessment)

• Essay 3000 words (summative assessment)

Assessment Weighting

Essay 100%


McGrath, A. (2002) Bridge Building: Effective Christian Apologetics. Leicester: Inter-Varsity Press.


Campbell-Jack W.C. and McGrath, G. (Eds.) (2006) New Dictionary of Christian Apologetics. Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press.

Craig, W.L, (2010) On Guard: Defending Your Faith with Reason and Precision. Colorado Springs: David C. Cook.

Zacharias, R. & Geisler, N. (Eds.) (2003) Who made God? And answers to 100 other tough questions of faith. Grand Rapids: Zondevan.


Beckwith, F., Craig, W. L. & Moreland, J. P. (Eds.) (2004) To everyone an answer: A case for the Christian worldview. Downers Grove: Inter-Varsity Press.

Boa, K.D. and Bowman, R.M. Jr., (2001) Faith Has Its Reasons: An Integrative Approach to Defending Christianity Colorado Springs: NavPress.

Carlson, R.F. ed. 2000.Science & Christianity: Four Views. Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press.
Collins, C.J., (2003) Science and Faith: Friends or Foes? Wheaton: Crossway Books.
Cowan, S.B., (Ed,) (2000) Five Views on Apologetics. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House.
Follis, B. A. (2006) Truth with love: The Apologetics of Francis A Schaeffer. Wheaton: Crossway.
Frost, M. & Hirsch, A. (2003) The Shaping of Things to Come. Peabody: Hendrickson.
Geisler, N. L. & Turek, F. (2004) I don’t have enough faith to be an atheist. Wheaton: Crossway.
Moreland, J. P. & Craig, W. L. (2003) Philosophical foundations for a Christian worldview. Downers Grove: Inter-Varsity Press.
Stakhouse, J. G. (2002) Humble Apologetics: Defending the Faith Today. New York: OUP.
Strobel, L. (2000) The Case for Faith. Grand Rapids: Zondervan.
Zacharias, R. (Ed.) (2007) Beyond Opinion: Living the Faith We Defend. Nashville: Thomas Nelson.

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