Module Narrative
Module Title: Christian Counselling Skills
Module Code: THE402
Level: 4
Credit Points: 20 Credits
Compulsory or Optional: Required
Pre-requisites/co-requisites: None
Excluded combinations or modules: None
Mode of attendance: Mixed
This module aims to introduce students to basics counselling skills. It also introduces students to the basic principles and practices of Christian Counselling models, comparing them to secular approaches and relating them to biblical and theological frameworks on which they depend. It explores the complex relationship of Body, mind and spirit and the role of the Holy Spirit, Bible and Church in the pursuit of personal wholeness. Key ethical issues will be discussed. It outlines the principle of communication and develops active listening skills.
Learning outcomes
On completion of this module, the successful student will be able to:
1. discuss the concepts relating to a biblical perspective of the whole person: body, mind and spirit
2. describe, compare and evaluate different approaches to counselling
3. discuss the application of key ethical issues within the counselling process
This module will call for the successful student to demonstrate:
4. communication and listening skills appropriate to pastoral ministry
The course will cover the following topics: basic listening and communication skills; an exploration of the Biblical view of the person; an overview of the major counselling models, Christian and secular; an introduction to a more integrative approach to counselling with a Christian basis and an exploration of ethical issues relating to the use of counselling skills within a church context.
Learning, Teaching and Assessment Strategy
Staff-led lectures introduce students to the basic principles and practices of Christian counselling, and both Christian and secular counselling models.
Case studies and role-plays, replicating real world conditions and contexts, will be used to illustrate and analyse common threads, principles and differences, and to provide experience in the use of different models, enabling students to prepare for a summative role play for which they also write a reflective report.
Students develop communication and listening skills in workshops and discussion groups act as a focus for further discussion around topics concerning the role of the Bible, Holy Spirit and the church in the counselling process. Formative feedback helps students to identify weaknesses in their learning and to focus on improving those areas in preparation for summative assessment.
Tutorial time enables Tutors to give formative feedback on draft essays, guidance to students on developing their role plays and constructive feedback on summative work.
Independent study to supplement these activities is an essential element of the programme, including reading and producing the module assignments.
Assessment Scheme
• Role play exercises with peer and tutor assessment (formative assessment)
• Role play exercise in which the student’s practical skills will be assessed together with a reflective report (1000 words) (summative assessment)
• Essay 2000 words (Summative assessment)
Assessment Weighting
Role play and reflective report 40%
Essay 60%
Nelson-Jones, R. (2011) Basic Counselling Skills:A Helper’s Manual Third Edition. London: Sage Publications
Egan, G. (2009)The Skilled Helper 9th Ed. United Kingdom: Brooks Cole.
Hughes, S. (2000). How to Help a Friend. Surrey: CWR.
Colins, G. (2007) Christian Counselling: A Comprehensive Guide 3rd Edition. Wheaton Illinois: Tyndale Publishing House.
Ferris, M. (2009) Compassioning: Basic Counselling Skills for Christian Caregivers. Eugene Oregon: Wilf and Stock Publishers.
Franklin, C. and Fong, R. (2011) The Church Leader’s Counselling Resource Book: A Guide to Mental Health and Social Problems 1st Edn, Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
Hughes, S. (2000). Christ Empowered Living. Surrey: CWR.
Hughes, S. (2005) Marriage as God Intended. Surrey: Kingsway.
Pierre, J. and Reju D. (2015) The Pastor and Counselling: The Basics of Shepherding Members in Need. Wheaton Illinois: Crossway
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