Module Narrative

Module Title: Homiletics
Module Code: MIN502
Level: 5
Credit Points: 20 Credits
Compulsory or Optional: Optional (Practical Ministry Pathway)
Pre-requisites/co-requisites: MIN400
Excluded combinations or modules: None
Mode of attendance: Mixed

This module introduces the student to the study of the communication process in various contexts, including cross-cultural contexts. The dynamics of interpersonal, intercultural, group and mass communication are explored, with special focus on communication in teaching and learning. This includes audience analysis, listening, speaking. With the basic theoretical framework in place, students are equipped with the necessary skills for effective sermon preparation and delivery. Attention is given to increasing the student’s ability to express ideas clearly and competently, in both written and oral forms of communication, giving the student a comprehensive understanding of the theory and praxis of expository preaching. Students are also exposed to a variety of topical and evangelistic preaching models in order to increase their awareness of the importance of these homiletical methods in the preaching process.

Learning outcomes

On completion of this module, the successful student will be able to:

1. apply and evaluate a selection of the principal theories, principles, concepts and terminology of contemporary homiletics.

2. Apply and evaluate a variety of theoretical approaches, theological underpinnings and communication techniques related to contemporary homiletics.

3. Critically reflect on one’s own preaching practice.

This module will call for the successful student to demonstrate:

4. some creativity in integrating exegetical, hermeneutical and advanced homiletical skills in the preparation and delivery of sermons relevant to today’s culture.


Introduction to Homiletics, Types of Sermons, Sermon Delivery, Homiletics in Relation to Hermeneutics and Exegesis, Public Speaking and Media, Homiletics and Christian Ethics, Sermon Preparation and Evaluation, Qualifications of a Preacher, Charismata and Homiletics, Vestments and Homiletics, Education and the Pulpit, Cross-Cultural Homilies.

Learning, Teaching and Assessment Strategy

This module includes blended learning, where the use of online sources, open discussions and videos. Teaching and assessment activities allow students to present pre-scripted sermons and presentations, where peer support and tutor feedback will enable students public speaking skills.

Theories of communication are explored as well as theoretical approaches to sermon preparation and delivery.

Theological reflection is an important part of homiletics, and students will attend church services and forums to observe the sermon delivery and the audience reaction.

Assessment Scheme

• Observation Report from a visit to a church 1000 words (formative assessment)

• Sermon preparation and delivery of the sermon with peer and tutor assessment (summative assessment)
• Reflective report on the sermon and feedback received. 1500 words (summative assessment)

Assessment Weighting

Sermon preparation and delivery 50%
Reflective report 50%

Learning Materials

Long, T. G. (2005) The Witness of Preaching. (2nd ed.) Louisville: Westminster: John Knox.

Blomberg, C. L. (2004) Preaching the Parables: From Responsible Interpretation to Powerful Proclamation. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic.

Hamilton, H. L. (2007) Preaching with Balance: Achieving and Maintaining Biblical Priorities in Preaching. Fearn: Christian Focus Publications.

Sunukjian, D. R. (2007) Invitation to Biblical Preaching: Proclaiming Truth with Clarity and Relevance. Grand Rapids: Kregel.

Recommended Texts
Arthurs, J. D. (2012) Devote Yourselves to the Public Reading: The Transforming Power of the Well Spoken Word. Grand Rapids: Kregel.

Chapell, B. (2001) Preaching for Special Services. Grand Rapids: Baker.

Chapell, B. (2004) Preaching to a Shifting Culture: 12 Perspectives on Communicating that Connects. Grand Rapids: Baker.

Chapell, B. (2005) Christ-Centered Preaching: Redeeming the Expository Sermon. Grand Rapids: Baker.

Chapell, B. (2011) The Hardest Sermons You’ll Ever Have to Preach. Grand Rapids: Zondervan.

Craddock, F. (2010) (Anniversary ed.) Preaching. Nashville: Abingdon.

Koessler, J. (2011) Folly, Grace, and Power: The Mysterious Act of Preaching. Grand Rapids: Zondervan.

Leeman, J. (2011) Reverberation: How God’s Word Brings Light, Freedom, and Action to His People. Chicago: Moody.

Robinson, H. (2001) Biblical Preaching. (2nd ed.) Grand Rapids: Baker.

Willhite, K. (2001) Preaching with Relevance. Grand Rapids: Kregel.

Online Application
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