Christ the Redeemer’s undergraduate programmes combine academic study and practice. The BA in Theology and Ministry with Media Culture programme prepares students for future leadership and ministry roles (in church or community based settings) through developing their knowledge and understanding of Christian theology and enabling them to apply that knowledge in a professional / ministry context.

Upon successful completion of the programme, students will have developed a portfolio of experiences, learning and skills, and have extended their capacity as leaders and competency in the professional practice linked to their chosen study pathway. They are also able to communicate effectively in a range of written and presentation forms, reflecting critically on their own ministry practice and that of others, and having the ability to think and work independently.

This will also seeks to develop their capacity for leadership and for working collaboratively and to have acquired the academic skills necessary for successful completion of the programme at level 6 and for future postgraduate study. The programme is validated by Newman University.

We also offer a foundation year. This is a one-year programme that will ensure you have the foundational skills needed to undertake one of our BA programmes. This programme is particularly suitable for applicants without A-Level qualifications. As part of the admissions process, we will work with you to decide which programme you should start with.

This programme will also cover theology, biblical studies, leadership, mission and contemporary culture, as well as academic skills such as communication and critical thinking required of higher education in the UK.

Entry Requirements:

This is a professional programme in theology and Christian ministry: We are looking for a commitment to undertaking Christian ministry in addition to applicants meeting the academic entry requirements below:

  • 2 A levels, an alternative level 3 qualification or for students aged over 21 there is also the opportunity to apply based on ministry experience and then undertaking our initial student evaluation (ISE).
  • English Language ability at GCSE grade C / 5 or above. Applicants who don’t have the equivalent of an English Language GCSE (at grade C/5) will need to take the Cambridge English Proficiency Test and achieve a level B2.
  • A basic level of proficiency in Information Technology (especially email and word-processing) is expected of all applicants but developing additional IT skills takes place through the College’s IT skills training programme.

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

Applicants may be eligible for RPL if they have undertaken similar study at another higher education institution and wish to either transfer individual module credits or transfer directly onto the second or third year of the degree programme if they have a CertHE or Foundation Degree/DipHe respectively.

The Qualification:

On successful completion of the programme you will be awarded a Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree.

Awarding Body
Newman University

Modes of Delivery
Our programmes are structured to fit your availability, and work best when you set aside regular time for study each week. For BA Theology, we offer blended learning made up of in-person classes on Thursdays and online classes held on Monday evenings. In-person classes are delivered at our Harrow, North West London campus, with teaching taking place for a full-day every Thursday during term time.

  • Full-time
  • Part-time

Students are assessed using a variety of assignments, class based activities and presentations.

Duration of Programme

  • 3 years (without foudation year full time)
  • 4 years (with foundation year full time)
  • 4.5 to 6 years (part time depending on number of modules taken per year).

Tuition Fee

The course fee for the College’s BA programmes is £6,000 per year. If studying part-time, the fees will be spread over either four-and-a-half or six years depending on how many modules you want to study each year.

Student finance backed by the UK government is available for all the College’s undergraduate programmes. To find out whether you are eligible for UK student finance please visit:

For students who are not eligible to receive UK student finance, we offer a range of flexible options for you to pay in instalments.

What’s Included?
Classroom lessons and our virtual learning environment are used to deliver all resources for this course including:

  • Study materials
  • Tutor support
  • External resources
  • Discussion with other students
  • Workload: 15 hours per week

Enrolment Dates
Full-Time, Part-Time and Blended – September
Fully Online / Distance – Anytime

How to apply

Please use the links below to access the application portal.

BA (Hons) Theology and Ministry and Media Culture with Foundation Year

Alternatively, please call our admissions office on 020 8429 4356 or email

Additional Information

The learning, teaching and assessment approaches used throughout your programme will encourage you to be actively involved in your learning and to co-operate with other students. We aim to give you prompt feedback on your learning as well as opportunities to reflect upon and learn from that feedback.

You will be actively involved in a range of learning, teaching and assessment approaches as part of this programme. Such active approaches aim to put you at the centre of your learning, so you are involved and engaged in all aspects of your assessment and learning. Your programme will require your active participation in learning activities and engagement with your fellow students both individually and collaboratively, working and learning with other students as part of a small group. Learning activities may also occur both within and outside the classroom.

Your learning will also be supported by technology. Increasingly your tutors will be using existing and emerging learning technologies to engage you in e-learning activities. Your programme will be facilitated using a variety of media and online tools (Microsoft teams, podcasts, wikis, etc) which will allow you flexible access to a diverse range of online resources, quizzes and learning materials as well as collaborative tools with which you can engage and learn with your peers. Not confined by the time and space associated with traditional teaching methods you may take part in online discussions and learning activities from wherever you are studying. Your tutors will provide any support you may need whilst learning online.

By engaging with e-learning you will also be developing skills which are essential for your learning and are also highly valued by employers. These include but are not limited to working flexibly, communication, understanding of IT, team working and creating shared understandings based on quality resources and access to global expertise.

Assessment is an integral part of learning and you may hear it referred to as formative or summative.

Formative assessment is designed to give you feedback on your performance and how it can be improved.  As a result, you will get detailed feedback on formative assessment but not a grade.  Formative assessment is an important part of the learning process and has been shown to help students improve their grades and their learning style. Formative assessment may take the form of group discussions or presentations, book reviews, essays and role play etc.

Summative assessment is designed to measure the extent to which you have achieved the learning outcomes of a module and therefore the grade you will be awarded.  Learning outcomes are the specific skills and knowledge that you are expected to demonstrate as a result of taking a module.  Summative assessment should assess achievement of all learning outcomes in a secure, fair and accurate manner and on the degree programme this will mainly comprise of exams, essays, presentations (both group and individual), sometimes followed by a written report, book reviews and journals of work experience.

Assessment may also involve self, peer or group approaches.  For example, you may be asked to self-assess your own work, indicating where you feel you have clearly demonstrated your understanding and identifying areas where can see you have room to improve.  Assessment may also be a peer process where students, individually or as groups, offer feedback on one another’s work.  Group assessment may also be part of your programme where part of the assessment requires you to demonstrate your ability to work as part of a group and possibly receive a group mark.

Submission, receipt and marking of assessment

Submission and receipt of coursework
Paper copies of your work are not required. Coursework must be submitted electronically to Turnitin UK for marking by the due date. Your study skills tutor will show you how to do submit your work and Turnitin UK will give you an electronic receipt confirming you have submitted it.
Students are advised to keep a copy of all their work and to ensure they regularly back up their work onto a USB memory stick. As work is submitted electronically it is retained on the Turnitin UK website and there is nothing to return to students.

Marking, second marking and marking moderation
In the first-year assessments are single marked by the Tutor and subject to moderation by an Internal Assessor. In the second and third years, assessments are double marked by another tutor. For classes with less than 10 registered students the sample shall be 100%. For larger classes 25% plus all failed or borderline grades shall be sampled.

In addition, a sample of 2nd and 3rd year work, including all failed work, is moderated by an External Examiner.

Assessment Feedback
Feedback on your assessment (both formative and summative) provides the opportunity for you to reflect on it and to use this feedback as the basis for learning and to improve your work.

Feedback can take many forms and may be informal.  For example, it may be given and discussed in the classroom or it may be more formal and delivered in written or audio form from peers or academic staff.  Understanding your feedback is very important and to achieve this you are encouraged to discuss feedback with your peers and academic staff.

Receiving feedback on your work is an essential and important part of learning and therefore all programmes provide regular opportunities for formative assessment, the purpose of which is to get detailed feedback on your performance so you get a regular update on how you are developing and to prepare you for any summative assessment.

Feedback on summative assessment will be offered in a variety of forms and all work will be marked and moderated in line with the University Regulations.

You will normally be provided with feedback within 15 working days of the published submission date.

Submitting work on Turnitin
You are required to submit all written work to Turnitin UK. This facility also allows staff to mark your work and provide written comments on that website and then for you to log-in and see your feedback. It is your responsibility to log-in and look at your feedback.

Some assessment is by group or individual presentation. You may receive verbal feedback on the day from your tutor and your peers. You may also be required to write a report which must be submitted by the required deadline. Tutors will give formal written feedback on both the presentation and the report. These reports must be submitted by the required deadline to Turnitin UK and to the same rules as other written work.

Deferral of assessment
If there are exceptional circumstances which through no fault of your own are preventing you from completing all or part of your assessment (e.g. submitting coursework or making a presentation) you may seek permission to defer all or part of the assessment in a module to the next available opportunity.

Exceptional circumstances include bereavement, sickness (with medical evidence), etc. If you think this applies to you then you should submit a mitigating circumstances form to the office attaching supporting documentation, e.g. medical certificates. Mitigating circumstances must be applied for at least one week before the deadline and under no circumstances can it be granted after the deadline has passed.

Although no one anticipates failing a module, it is important that you are aware of what happens if you do. Normally you would be entitled to one re-assessment opportunity if you don’t pass and there is no financial cost associated with this second attempt.

Most of our students obtain funding from Student Finance England in the form of a student loan. Some students are unsuccessful in their application and apply to the College Finance officer to pay their fees from their own resources. This may include help from family, employers or churches. From time to time, students may experience financial difficulties. If this happens to you and you think you will have difficulties paying fees, contact the Finance Officer for advice.

Employability and your programme

The development of employability skills – for example, team work, self-management, business and customer awareness, communication, literacy and numeracy – are all integral parts of the programme although this may not always be evident to you as they will not always be presented as such.  Some modules include group work and peer assessment enabling you to work together with others and communicate more effectively.  You will be asked to do both group and individual presentations which enhance your presentation skills and skills in learning to co-operate with others in a task.

Although you can see how to a certain extent employability has been embedded in the programme curriculum, it is still your responsibility to actively seek out these skills and identify what is covered where.

Your employability cannot be ensured without your engaging with and understanding the importance of it. Once you take ownership of this, the University can support your development in a variety of ways both within your curriculum, outside of your curriculum and outside of the University, by helping you to make sense of your experiences and understand how to articulate your learning and development.

Employment and Job Prospects

On graduation from the BA programme, students will be able to study for an MA Degree or work in the following areas: teaching, teacher training, Christian ministry or vocational work.

We have current links with the Redeemed Christian Church of God, who may have opportunities for our graduates, and some other independent churches from whom we receive requests from time to time for graduates to work with them. For our counselling students we also have links with counselling services, who may take students to give them experience.


Part Time

Full Time (with Foundation Year option)

Part Time (with Foundation Year option)

Part Time (Distance Learning)

Full Time (Distance Learning)