This policy applies to all staff, students and visitors at CRC.

The Mission of the College
Christ the Redeemer College’s (CRC) mission is to provide high quality, high value education to advance the leadership, ministerial and professional aims of its students in a competitive and dynamic global environment. Its aim is to offer the most positive learning experience possible in a setting that encourages and fosters friendliness and positive social engagement. It seeks to provide an engaging learning environment that fosters community and at the same time allows for individuality among the diverse student body. Its approach to training is targeted towards preparing students to become leaders in their chosen field of endeavour in business, employment or Christian ministry.

The College has a duty:
1. To have due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism;
2. To promote and reinforce shared values; to create space for free and open debate; and to listen and support the learners.
3. To ensure student safety and that the College is free from bullying, harassment and discrimination
4. To provide support for students who may be at risk and appropriate sources of advice and guidance
5. To ensure that students and staff are aware of their roles and responsibilities in preventing violent extremism.

In order to achieve this the strategy will concentrate on four areas:

Leadership and Values
To provide an ethos which upholds our values of enhancing the aims of all students, in a positive setting of friendliness, and positive social engagement, while fostering community and allowing for individuality.
This will be achieved by:
· Promoting our core values.
· Building staff and student understanding of the issues and confidence to deal with them
· Continuing to engage with our local churches.

Teaching and Learning
To provide a curriculum which promotes knowledge, skills and understanding to build the resilience of students, by undermining extremist ideology and supporting the learner voice. This will be achieved through:
· Embedding equality, diversity and inclusion, wellbeing and community cohesion
· Promoting wider skill development such as social and emotional aspects of learning
· Teaching and learning strategies which explore controversial issues in a way which promotes critical analysis and pro social values
· Encouraging active citizenship and learner voice.

Student Support
To ensure that staff are confident to take preventative and responsive steps working with partner professionals, families and communities. This will be achieved through:
· Establishing strong and effective student support services
· Listening to what is happening in the College and the community
· Implementing anti-bullying strategies and challenging discriminatory behaviour
· Helping students and staff know how to access support in College and or through community partners
· Supporting problem solving and repair of harm
· Supporting at risk students through safeguarding and crime prevention processes
· Focussing on narrowing the attainment gap for all students

Managing Risks and Responding to Events
To ensure that the College monitors risks and is ready to deal appropriately with issues which arise. It will do this through:
· Understanding the nature of the threat from violent extremism and how this may impact directly or indirectly on the College
· Understanding and managing potential risks within the College and from external influences
· Responding appropriately to events in local, national or international news that may impact on students and communities
· Ensuring measures are in place to minimise the potential for acts of violent extremism within the College
· Ensuring plans are in place to respond appropriately to a threat or incident within the College
· Engage with Channel as necessary.
· Developing effective ICT and e-safety policies

Document Review Tracker 
Approval and Review Title:       Prevent Policy 
Approved with reference to:       QAA Quality Code 
Current Version:   2020.2  Date Approved:  January 2022 
Implementation from  January 2022  Next Review Date:  September 2025 
Responsible Committee:  Compliance and HR  Approving Body:  Academic Board       
Changes Made: