1.Attendance is essential to successful completion of any program in the College. Students are expected to attend all lectures, arrive classes on time and be present until the end of the classes.
2. The College expects a minimum of 80% attendance from all students.
3. Permission to be absent may be granted to students to attend to health, personal issues or other extenuating circumstances upon production of relevant evidence or documentation. Students must request for permission by using the forms available on any of the College platforms (VLE, Teams, Website etc.) or by sending us an email to
4. Students must inform the college of the reasons for absence at the very earliest possibility by sending an email to the student support team on the first day of absence except it is an emergency for which the College will also require evidence.
5. Consistent poor attendance and lack of communication to provide justification for absences activates the due diligence process, which may eventually lead to a suspension of registration from the College.
Authorized and unauthorized absence.
6. Authorized absence is one that has been requested ahead and approved by the College within the time window provided and backed with supporting evidence where necessary. Authorized absence therefore counts as part of the overall student attendance.
7. If a student is unable to get to college because of extenuating circumstances, some of which might be emergencies and cannot make a request to connect to their classes online, he/she may be able to self-certify their absence based on relevant College policy.
8. Students may be allowed to self-certify to be absent only once a term. This self- certification will be seen as an authorized absence. Any additional request to be absent will need to be supported with appropriate documentation similar to the documents acceptable for extenuating circumstances.
Attendance Monitoring and Due Diligence
9. When a student is absent or misses 1 class, the College activates the attendance monitoring process which includes a series of communications, and all the process is recorded for tracking and training purposes.
10. Unauthorized absent students after 1 class are sent an e-mail or SMS by the administrative services team as a “welfare check” and an initial notification of absence in the record.
11. After 1 week of confirmed unauthorized absence, the due diligence process starts with the 1st formal warning letter/email sent out informing the student of possible suspension if absence continues. If the student does not respond after 1 week, it results in a 2nd formal warning letter/email. This can progress to a formal notification of suspension after 3 weeks of absence and after 4 weeks, the final stage would be a suspension of registration which will also reflect in the student loan company (SLC) . Emails will usually be sent to the Students College email address.
12. Where there are more than 4 weeks of authorized absences, the student will be reviewed under the ‘Fitness to Study’ policy which should be read in conjunction with this policy. Please refer to Program Handbook and the policies section on our website
Request for Online Access
13. Students can request to join classes online 2 days in a term. Such requests should be made 24 hours before the class begins so that the Student Support Team can have enough time to review the request and either approve or not approve it. If there is an emergency, students must complete the online form as well as call the college so we can attempt to review your circumstances quickly.
14. If a request is not approved and the student does not attend the class physically, it will be marked as an unauthorized absence. This will be considered on a case- by-case basis and all efforts will be taken by the College to prevent any abuse of the Online Access request system.
15. The detailed criteria for joining classes online and the Online Access Request form are available on the VLE, Teams, website etc. All students can email the student support office to clarify the procedures.
16. Any request for prolonged access to classes online (more than two days in a term) will need to have been agreed during the admission process. If a student wishes to make a request for prolonged access to classes online during the program, this will need to be agreed by the Academic Director.
Late arrival
17. The college views punctual arrival for all lectures, workshops, presentations, group work etc. as an important part of attendance.
18. Students are advised to arrive about 15 minutes before class starts to prepare their desk space and settle in the Class.
19. Traffic congestion and overcrowding in public transport is a common problem in London so students must allow sufficient time for their journey to college. This is not viewed as a satisfactory reason for lateness.
20. Students who arrive 15 minutes late will be marked as ‘late’ on the attendance.
21. To reduce disruption from students walking into a class late, students are not permitted to enter a class after being 30 minutes late. Some classrooms will also be locked after 30 minutes, and the student will be marked as ‘unauthorized absence’. If a student attempts to walk in after 30 minutes, the lecturer may deny a student access to the class.
22. Students with extenuating circumstances may be permitted to leave class early by the Lecturer in line with college policies, however such students must do so quickly and quietly without disruption to other students.
Document Review Tracker |
Approval and Review Title: |
Attendance Policy |
Approved with reference to: |
QAA Quality Code |
Current Version: |
August 2022.1 |
Date Approved: |
August 2022 |
Implementation from |
September 2022 |
Next Review Date: |
September 2025 |
Responsible Committee: |
Senior Management Team |
Approving Body: |
Academic Board |
Changes Made: |