Module Narrative
Module Title: Youth Ministry: Policy & Practice
Module Code: YOU502
Level: 5
Credit Points: 20 Credits
Compulsory or Optional: Optional (Youthwork Pathway)
Pre-requisites/co-requisites: YOU400
Excluded combinations or modules: Youthwork Pathway only
Mode of attendance: Mixed
This module explores the understanding and skills required for reflective and effective professional practice. It includes principles of continuing personal and professional development, including a broad understanding of the social policy context. It also includes understanding of working within the community context. It will include the understanding of basic safeguarding policies and procedures. The module will provide a framework to appropriately contextualise personal and professional development to enable students to consolidate consistent professional practice in order to form a professional identity and vocation. Students will also engage in exploring key political ideologies that impact upon community work in their social and religious context. It will also explore the values and ethics of working with young people.
Learning Outcome
On completion of this module, the successful student will be able to:
1. Integrate the principles and practices espoused in the various government legislative and social policies underpinning youth work into professional practice in church and community.
2. Evaluate how cultural and social contexts impact on professional practice and personal development
3. engage with values and ethics involved in youth ministry within the communities and church contexts.
This module will call for the successful student to further demonstrate:
4. application of self reflection in professional practice and development including the use of practice feedback to enhance professional practice and self development.
Various government legislation and procedures relating to working with youth and young people. Engage with government policies and procedures regarding professional practice and personal development. Various social issues relating to working with people of different cultures. Government policies on issues of diversity, anti-discrimination and working with vulnerable people; children or adults. A study of the values and ethics involved in working with young people and their families. Self-reflection of personal practice through a log book or journal. Expectations in working with young people in different settings – in the community or church.
Learning, Teaching and Assessment Strategy
This course will be taught through the art of facilitation aimed at drawing out insights from students in response to stimulating readings, lectures and videos.
Class time will be used for a combination of lectures, discussions of qualitative research articles and practical exercises.
In addition to attending classes, students should be prepared to spend about another six hours per week on activities related to this course. These activities include reading the required and recommended articles of relevance to this course and preparing for assignments and preparation of an approved research proposal.
Tutorial time enables Tutors to give formative feedback on draft essays, guidance to students on developing their presentations and constructive feedback on summative work. Independent study to supplement these activities is an essential element of the programme, including reading and producing the module assignments.
Students must keep a reflective log of their work placement for at least 6 months (formative assessment). In addition, they must write a 1500 words reflective report on their work placement journal interacting with how they have integrated the applicable government policies and procedures into their professional practice (summative assessment)
Assessment Scheme
• Keep a reflective log of a work placement for at least 6 months (formative assessment)
• Write a 1500 words reflective placement journal interacting with how the applicable government policies and procedures have been integrated into professional practice (summative assessment)
• Essay 2000 words (summative assessment)
Assessment Weighting
Reflective Report 50%
Essay 50%
Learning Materials
Core Text
Jeffs, T. and Smith, M. K. (Editors) (2010) Youth Work Practice. Hampshire, England: Palgrave Macmillan
Banks, S. (2004) Ethics, Accountability, and the Social Professions. England:Palgrave Macmillan
Batsleer, J. R. and Davies, B. (2010) What is Youth Work? Exeter England: Learning Matters
Heflin, H. (2009) Youth Pastor: The Theology and Practice of Youth Ministry. Nashville: Abingdon Press
Banks, S. (1999) Ethical Issues in Youth Work. London: Rutledge
Fields, D. (2002) Your First Two Years in Youth Ministry: A personal and practical guide to starting right. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Youth Specialties
Kehily, J. M. (Editor) (2009) Understanding Youth: Perspectives, Identities & Practices. London: Sage Publications
Malekoff, A. (2014) Group Work with Adolescents, Third Edition: Principles and Practice. London: The Guildford Press
Payne, M. (2014) Modern Social Work Theory (4th Edition). Hampshire, England: Palgrave Macmillan
Percy-Smith, B. and Thomas, N. (2010) A Handbook of Children and Young People’s Participation: Perspectives from Theory and Practice. London: Routledge
Villarruel, F. A. Et al (editors) (2003) Community Youth Development: Programs, Policies, and Practices. London: Sage Publications
Online Application
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