Module Narrative
Module Title: Media Practice & Psychology
Module Code: MED502
Level: 5
Credit Points: 20 Credits
Compulsory or Optional: Optional (Media pathway)
Pre-requisites/co-requisites: MED400
Excluded combinations or modules: None
Mode of attendance: Mixed
This module introduces students to the interrelationship between media practice and psychology. Students will be gain insight into how human behaviour and experiences are influenced by communication. This includes how the media could shape human behaviour and experiences, both positively and negatively, as well as how psychological concepts such as perception and learning are applied in media practice. Students will also learn about different human personalities and how they are essentially influenced by the media in their formation.
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this module, the successful student will be able to:
1) Explain how human behaviour and experiences are influenced by media practice
2) Discuss how psychology and the practice of media are interrelated
3) Explain the possible influence of the media in human personality development
4) Discuss how the media could be a platform for human behaviour modification.
5) evaluate the strength and limitations in the application of media strategies to shape or influence human behaviour in the ministry
The course will cover the following topics: Understanding the basic definition of psychology and its practical application in human endeavour with emphasis on media communication and practices; key psychological concepts and constructs such as perception and learning and the theories of learning and their application (behaviour modification schedules). Topics will also include the psychology of communication and the role and effect of persuasion in media advertising; human personality types and principles relating to their development and how these could be influenced by media practices. Students will gain knowledge of essential psychological theories and principles that influence media communication and how they could be effectively embraced in the achievement of ministerial goals.
Learning, Teaching and Assessment Strategy:
The course will be delivered by Staff led lectures with audio visual aids, Student presentations and discussions and written assessments.
Staff-led lectures will introduce students to basic psychological theories and principles applicable to media practice. Class discussion will be encouraged to be as interactive as possible and group presentation and discussion will stimulate full participation of the entire class. The ability of the students to critically analyse their individual group presentation will be assessed.
Tutorial time will create the avenue for the students to engage in informal and more interactive discussions in order to give greater insight into the relevant issues of communication and how they shape human behaviour, attitude and experiences. Students will also be expected to carry out individual written assignments on relevant topics where necessary, as part of their formative assessment.
Assessment Scheme
• Short essay (formative assessment)
• Group or individual presentation and written report 1000 words (summative assessment)
• Essay 2500 words (summative assessment)
Assessment Weighting:
Presentation and report 50%
Essay 50%
Hook, D., Frank, B., Bauer, M. W. (2011) The Social Psychology of Communication. Palgrave Macmillan.
Meier, P. D., Minirth, F. B., Wichern, F. B., and Ratcliff, D.E., (2010) Introduction to Psychology and Counselling, Christian Perspectives and Applications, 2nd Edition. Baker Publications
Shrum L. J., (2012) The Psychology of Entertainment Media: Blurring the lines between Entertainment and Persuasion, 2nd Edition, Routledge.
Borg, J., (2013) The Art of Influencing People. 4th Edition. Pearson
Gross, R., (2015) Psychology: The Science of Mind and Behaviour, 7th Edition. Hodder Education
Kostic, A. and Chadee, D., (2014) The Social Psychology of Nonverbal Communication. Palgrave Macmillan
Perse, E. M., (2001) Media Effects and Society. Routledge, Lawrence and Erlbaum Associates.
Online Application
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